Empower Your Mind

Empowering Women with Tailored Support for Anxiety, Abuse, Trauma and Procrastination

Meet Your Therapist

Susanne Golding

Hello, I'm Susanne, and for more than 25 years, I've dedicated myself to the art of healing and intuitive understanding. As a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Strategic Psychotherapist, I utelise my skills in Ericksonian hypnosis, tailoring each session to address the unique needs of my clients.

My academic journey includes a bachelor's degree in Metaphysical Science, a foundational pillar that amplifies my grasp of metaphysical principles. Blending this academic knowledge with a powerful tool kit, I guide individuals on profound personal journeys.

Within my practice, I integrate Hypnosis, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), and Quantum Healing techniques. My capacity to channel Quantum methods has yielded transformative breakthroughs for countless clients.

Driven by my extensive background and innovative methodologies, my commitment to liberate individuals from limitations, releasing them from emotional and physical burdens, and set them on a transformative path toward renewed vitality and expansive personal growth.

"The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well."

- Hippocrates


  • Strategic Psychotherapy

    Designed to achieve targeted goals within a relatively short period. Strategic psychotherapy aims to create practical solutions to problems, enhance communication, and foster positive change.

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  • Clinical Hypnotherapy

    Committed to guiding you through a personalized journey of self-discovery, growth, and positive change to help you achieve your desired outcomes efficiently and effectively

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  • Quantum Processes

    Designed to address physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances, unlocking your body's innate ability to heal itself and promoting harmony in all aspects of your life.

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  • Law of Attraction and Empowerment

    By understanding and applying the Law of Attraction, clients can shift their mindset, attract abundance, and manifest their goals, while also developing the inner strength and confidence to navigate life's challenges.

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Capacity to service NDIS Participants, respite retreats and therapy sessions

  • “I approached Susanne to help with some anxiety and procrastination around starting a new business and social situations. Within only a few sessions she had helped me identify the behaviours I was running and helped me put in place far more beneficial ones. Susanne is knowledgeable, professional and shared great empathy. I would strongly recommend working with her.”


  • I flew a 4-hour journey last week. Usually, my knee would flare, but all good, nothing happened. So far still going well. I have been away to Darwin for a few days and again been able to walk pretty much all day which previously would have caused my knee to swell. So good reports all around. Will keep you posted but definitely going really well. It is amazing actually!! Thanks for the session Susanne.
